Nafkam English front page
English translation: Positivt møte om pasientsikkerhet
Cochrane bursary awarded to NAFKAMs Barbara Wider
One of two Cochrane Complementary Medicine bursaries for 2023 has been awarded to NAFKAM's senior adviser Barbara Wider.
- A global strategy in the field of complementary and alternative medicine remains important
Numbers and facts
The 2022 NAFKAM population survey
This edition of NAFKAMs national survey was carried out by Norstat in November/ December 2022.
The NAFKAM national CAM survey
NAFKAM monitors the Norwegian population's usage of CAM on a regular basis. This article provides information on the structure of and methodology for these surveys.
Development in Norwegians' use of CAM, 2012-
How do Norwegians' use of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) and dietary supplements develop over time? How is their health developing, and how do their costs for this develop?